Mazatlan Bus Routes - Rutas de autobuses de Mazatlán
Public transportation tends to be the cheapest way to get around any city, and getting around by bus in Mazatlan is no exception. They...
Day trip to Coba from Playa del Carmen
A how to guide on getting to Coba from Playa del Carmen, including prices and various transportation options (for specific advice on...
Colectivo from Playa del Carmen to Cancun or Tulum
A great, cheap, fast, and easy method of transportation for getting around the Mayan Riviera is via colectivo. Colectivos are basically a...
Playa Xpu-ha and Cenote Crystalino from Playa del Carmen
Playa Xpu-ha and Cenote Crystalino via collectivo and autobus: (prices and timetables current as of November 2018) We decided to head to...