Semana de la Moto / Motorcycle Week Mazatlan
Semana de la moto (international motorcycle week) is a very fun festival in Mazatlan, where thousands of motorcycles from all over the...

The klutz strikes again
It's been a while since I've posted anything klutzy related to traveling, so here's the latest. Sadly I can't even blame alcohol on this...

Holi Fest Mazatlan
Sunday April 28th, 2019, marked the 5th annual Holi Yoga Festival here in Mazatlán, at the Convention Center / Centro de Convenciones, a...

Mazatlan Bus Routes - Rutas de autobuses de Mazatlán
Public transportation tends to be the cheapest way to get around any city, and getting around by bus in Mazatlan is no exception. They...
Mazatlán food festival, Muestra Gastronómica, Carnaval 2019
Vendors at the food festival (Muestra Gastronómica), Mazatlan Carnival 2019 Vendedores en el festival de comida (Muestra Gastronómica),...